SimplyInk has been a great money saver for me!  As you can see in the ad above I can get up tp 76% off the price of my printer ink and toner, and I don't have to go to the office supply stores, and stand in line, and talk to salesmen...yes they have sale guys trying to up sale you at some of these stores.  I just simply click the link above, or one of the several Simplyink links that I have on this site and go from there.  With Free Shipping for orders over $55 you can't beat it!   

How do they do it?

And, simpyink has been in business for over 10 years.  How do they do it?  simple, they don't have buildings to pay for, they don't have to buy registers, and pretty little conveyors that you can watch your merchandise ride on while you wait for the check out girl to ring up the customer in front of you, they don't have to pay that check out girl to ring up your items...all of these things cost money, and anyone in business knows that if you spend money on your business, then you're going to transfer that cost of business to your customer.  It's simple Econ 101 people, if you buy from simplyink, you buy wholesale, that's all there is to it.  Look for more offie supply links here in the future...this is something that I know I can save you money on....I just gotta find the right places....I'm currently researching other office supply sites that can save you time and money!!!  And that's what I'm all about at

Really Cheap Phone...not a cell phone, not a land line

You've probably heard a lot about the magic Jack plenty of times on those TV ad's with that guy who yells at everyone all the time, right?  Billy Mays, that's his name if you were wondering.  But have you ever thought how it could help you save a lot of money on your land line for your company?  It's very simple, Magic Jack costs $40 to buy the Unit and $20 PER YEAR to use it...that's $60 for the first year and $20 a Year after that.  It's a small savings on any land line you may have, of about $200-$400 a year, depends on all the services you'll have on that land line, but they come with the Magic Jack, and the most you'll ever spend is $60 the first year...think about it that's a decent savings, and you won't have to see the bill come in every month.  I've run a few businesses in my day and I know that it sucks to see the bills come in, even if it's a small bill, like $20, $30, $40, or even $50 a month...why not save a bit of money, and dave yourself the headache of dealing with the bill?  That's just my opnion.  But the bottom line is the bottom line, right?  Magic Jack is worth it...that's all I have to say about it.  Here's the link Click it and save your company some money and save yourself some headache already.